Sophie's Playhouse

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Save the Animals Fundraiser - Plan 2

January is finally over! And thus ends my first ever Save the Animals Fundraiser.  Overall, I thought it was a great idea and would love to do it again next year! 

+Raised circa $30 for Baby Emperor Penguins just in Penny Drive (not bad for 25 kids in a week!)
-Should have involved the 5 yr old room since it has a lot of my old students who we still spend a lot of time with and they were very interested in the fundraiser (maybe more than some of my own kids)

+Kids loved the "Penny Penguin" bank (pictured below) and bringing pennies!
-More reminders to parents! I sent out a mass email, note home, posted note on door, posted note by front office door, and hyped it up with kids and still have parents coming in every day saying they forgot to bring money or didn't realize it was a bake sale/party/event

+Kids learned about sharing. When I first mentioned that we would be saving up money to donate to the World Wildlife Foundation, I was actually really surprised that the overwhelming reaction was "NO! I am saving my money to buy new toys!" Hmmm...Our motto became "Give a little, Help a lot" and after I did some modeling of donating my own coins (and sharing with them to practice placing in the coin slot), they really started to get into it! My favorite moment came when one of my mom's told me she and her son picked out all the pennies from her piggy bank, and then he went to his and asked if he could give all his pennies, too! Yay!
-I'd love to find a more hands-on way for the kids to help.  We did bake sale activities, but the idea of helping by giving money was still very abstract.  Unfortunately, we don't do field trips. But it's a great idea for a different type of fundraiser or event...

Practicing placing coins in "Penny Penguin" (quarters were a bit tricky, but they got!).

I had to attack the penguin to get all the coins out.  Sorry.
We sorted and counted:
16 quarters
81 dimes (which we are still confusing with the word "diamond")
47 nickels
487 pennies (this is a bit iffy. the 5 yr olds recounted for us and got a lot more. but counting over 400 pennies is HARD with 4 yr olds!)

Busy sorting all the coins!

For my first class-only fundraiser - we did awesome! I'm so glad to all my students and families for donating and helping support not only the World Wildlife Fund, but their kids' learning!

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